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Improve your Vision While You Sleep

I don't think I can wear contacts

Bifocal Contacts

Astigmatism and Contacts

Rigid Oxygen Permeable Contacts

Sports Contacts

Contacts for Color Blindness

Kids and Contacts


Disposable Lens Update

If your Refractive Surgery Didn't Work

Eyeglass Lenses
Computer Vision
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Red Eyes, Infections, and Emergencies
Dry Eyes

Bifocal Contact Lenses

If you already wear contacts, but are having problems with your near vision because you are over 40 years old, then you will be happy to hear about this newest area of contact lens development. Imagine being able to read or work at your computer, without having to strain your eyes or pull out your reading glasses. We now have the contact lenses you’ve been waiting for!

Bifocal contact lenses have had major improvements over the past few years, and there are now dozens of brands available for people with different vision needs. People often confuse bifocal contacts with "monovision", where one eye is corrected for far vision, and the other eye is corrected for near vision. Bifocal contacts are designed with a far and near correction in each lens! There are many different designs, but they fall into 3 main categories:

  1. Line bifocals: weighted on the bottom, so that it stays in the proper position. When you look straight ahead, you are looking above the line through the far prescription, and when you look down to read, you are looking below the line, through the near prescription.
  2. Concentric bifocals: the center has the far prescription, and the outer portion has the near prescription. This design usually works better for computer users.
  3. Progressive bifocals: the prescription gradually changes from the center of the lens toward the outer portion.

No matter, how strong or weak your prescription is, there is a bifocal lens that will very likely work for you. We have worked extensively with all of the brands, and will be happy to discuss your many options.